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It is the 577th message



       I do not come in this world with the hope of someone who knows things of creation, but I come with the assurance of someone in whom God lives; he who created everything, knows all and possess all. His grace in me is not in vain because I have already written more than 577 messages that enlighten and give joy to many people, but bring sadness and raises jealousy in other people. These messages have many topics that highlight different titles such as: know the greatness and power of God to know him better and for the enemy to be afraid of you, The difference between the love of God and the love of the devil, The house of God is built in the heart, A life to live has been given to the men so that they should become alive before God, Christ did not come to save man’s flesh, but rather his soul, The gospel of salvation, the veritable deliverance, How should the man be so that the devil should bow down before him, Priests, pastors, tell us, between the soul which has left and the soil which is remaining, which one receives your blessing of water, Whole world, the pope has gone too far in the despise and mockeries towards the Lord Jesus by representing him with dolls and blocks of cement, Cameroon, whole world, look at products that apostle THATHEU Samuel sell to millions of people for their protection, deliverance, blessing, Message of the Eternal God to the head of States and kings of all the countries of the world, Whole world: head of states, men of all social classes, here is the veritable deliverance that we have to become in order to enter the kingdom of heaven, The witches, super travellers of the earth...

      These writings show the route of deliverance to the man and transform his heart of stone into a heart of flesh by the practice of the will of the Lord Jesus, they denounce the false christs and the false prophets, unveiling their acts of swindling, deception and seduction, they bring back the rulers of this world and the head of states to the knowledge of the veritable value, and the possession of a new heart...

      My greatness and glory do not rely on the material called richness, but in the treasure that the Lord Jesus gave me by his grace to give to the whole world, so that this great richness which is eternal should also be eternally useful to the souls. Apostle Champi has nothing and he is nothing else than what the Lord Jesus gave him to give to the world. All the men in this world should read this richness to bring their souls to become rich, because when God made man’s flesh from dust of the ground, he breathed in his nostrils to introduce the soul; that is why it is said: “then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature” (Genesis 2/7). While the first men Adam and Eve were belonging to God in the Garden of Eden by the obedience to his word (Genesis 2/16-17), the devil came to buy them by bringing these last to sell themselves to him by the obedience to his word of lies (Genesis 3/1-6) which is disobedience before God. As such, because of the first men who were cursed or spiritually dead because of that one who bought them and to whom they belonged, all humanity or the entire world, the descendants of the first men also come cursed and dead in this world. But God by his great mercy sent the Lord Jesus to redeem us from the belonging to the devil or the curse and the eternal death. Christ by his great courage of the lion of the tribe of Judah sacrificed his body and blood that were the price to pay for our redemption so that our body and spirit should belong to God again; that is even why it is said: “for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body” (1 Corinthians 6/20).

      The Lord Jesus did not come to redeem or save man’s flesh from the hands of the devil, but rather the soul because the devil was not detaining man’s flesh in prison, but rather his soul; that is why the war or fight between the Lord Jesus and the devil in man is not to gain his flesh but rather his soul. The Lord Jesus and the devil are all spirit and their eternal dwellings are the kingdom of heaven for the Lord Jesus and the lake of fire for the devil. While the devil want to drag the souls with him in the eternal torment, the Lord Jesus also want to bring the souls in the eternal resting place in the kingdom of heaven; that is why Apostle Paul says:  I tell you this, brothers: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable” (1 Corinthians 15/50).

      Man’s flesh is like the bottle of beer and his soul like beer. Just as the man takes the bottle of beer to drink what it contains, that is how the Lord Jesus and the devil go towards the man to gain only the soul which is in him. The devil knows that the man or soul which does not have Jesus belong to him, and his fight is to make everything so that man should not have the saviour in him, as such, the soul will not be freed from his trap. The devil passes by his servants disguised into men of God in order to attain his objectives by teaching customs and traditions of men, and this cannot produce anything for the salvation of the soul; that is why his servants have the ministry which is to announce with great zeal the gospel and prophecies of prosperity concerning the physical wellbeing so that the hearts should be gained and become tied to vanities. The life of man on earth or the passage of the soul in the flesh is only for few days or years because this flesh must go back or return in the ground where it was taken; that is even why God says to the man: “By the sweat of your face  you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return” (Genesis 3/19).

      If man’s flesh does not have the veritable value, is it what he consume or gather that will have a great value? That is where the devil plays his game in order to bring people to become blind so that these last should only look at the beginning of vanities and worry for what satisfy their flesh and to become tied to it. Because when man’s flesh is still young or when it is still in the beginning like these young girls that you see on the first page, they are appreciated and agreeable to be seen, but when this flesh becomes old, her beauty also disappear and her brightness tarnishes like these old women on the first page. They become disagreeable at the sight, that is why the eyes of our hearts must become opened to see the end of all vanities, even in their beginning. When we look at someone in the prime of his life, we must also send our eyes far to see his end. When we see a delicious meal or wine, we must go beyond the pleasure that it gives to our tongue to see their end that are nothing else than faeces and urine in toilets. In truth, this opening of the eyes of the heart must deliver us from many things, and that is why children of God or servants of God in whom the Lord Jesus dwell for home, but because they do not have vanities, they see themselves to be small and without value in front of those who do not have Christ, though having vanities; meanwhile these vanities are the richness of toilets and dustbin.

      The food and drinks that enter in man’s stomach are not for him because they must come out after few minutes or hours to return in toilets, and this, not by man’s will. After the man has consumed meat, fish, whisky, beer, juice..., few minutes or hours later, he become unwell as if he has been infected by a disease, and he can only become well if he goes and discharge what does not belong to him, and which was only passing in his organism. And that is where the man says to live well, to succeed or gain his life or future; in truth, let the eyes of the heart of men become opened through this message so that jealousy, mockeries, complex, murders... due to the richness and the good that finish their race in toilets and dustbin should reduce. In truth, if a man is above you because he possesses things that finish their race in toilets and dustbin, you will be jealous of what? And if you are above someone because you possess vanities, on what will you base yourself to mock at him?

       It is because of the glory of the flesh that many people up to those at the summit of states have sacrificed their souls at the price of vanities; others do not have time for the Lord Jesus who came to save their souls from the eternal lake of fire through his truth that set free and deliver from the eternal torment. Some people work from the morning to the evening to satisfy the desires of their flesh, even on the Sabbath day without rest, meanwhile this is just useless slavery that render their passing on the earth vain, meanwhile the Lord Jesus in his will to save us says: “ Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you. For on him God the Father has set his seal” (John 6/27). The Lord Jesus in his will for us to become the veritable rich or men of value says to us: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal” (Matthew 6/19-20).

       The devil in his will to fight against the soul has multiplied his seducers disguised into men of God, who in their seduction bring people to believe that he who does not have the material did not succeed in his life; is not blessed and does not prosper, that is why people do not see that they do not have life and blessing without the Lord Jesus in them, but they rather know that they do not have life because of the absence of things that finish their race in toilets and dust bin. The devil in his cunning makes in such a way that when two people meet, one says to the other that the person that he knows has succeeded in his life and future because he already possess this or that vanity. This brought people to compare one another, and it has raised mockeries and jealousy in the hearts of men. Satan has multiplied routes of magic so that many people should come to him in the aim to guarantee their life or future on earth. The eyes of the heart of many people should become opened in order to see and understand that we are on earth for a short passage, and we must be very careful with things that can render our souls poor in the case our hearts become tied to them. That is even why Apostle Peter makes us awake by these words: “Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul” (1Peter 2/11). Apostle Paul on his side exhorted Timothy telling him: “As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life” (1Timothy 6/17-19).

       To God only the glory by his Son Jesus Christ who permanently reveals himself to us, so that his grace for us should not be vain.

        CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)



It is the 573rd message



    The time has come for the Cameroonian people to know and live the peace that their creator has given them by the spirit of truth. When God brought Noah and his family out of the ark after the floods or the destruction of the first world, when they were increasing in number on earth, they spoke one language and the same words; that is why it is said: “Now the whole earth had one language and the same words” (Genesis 11/1). These people who spoke one language were like the only people on earth. They took the resolution to build a tower which its summit was to touch the heavens, God was indignant with their thinking, that is why he had prevented them from realising their project by dispersing them all over the world and confusing their language; that is why it is written: “And the Lord said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they may not understand one another's speech.” So the Lord dispersed them from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city. Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth. And from there the Lord dispersed them over the face of all the earth” (Genesis 11/6-9).

        As such, all these multiple people or countries that exist in the world, and these different languages that are spoken by the men come from God and by his will. Cameroon is a country which is situated in central Africa, just as majority of African countries, he was colonised by foreign countries, and it is in the 20th century that all these African countries had their independence. Cameroon was first colonised by the Germans, and after the First World War, the Germans were cast away by the French and their allies who are the British and the Belgians. After the departure of the Germans, Cameroon was divided into two parts as the spoils of war between the French and British. The French occupied 4/5th of the territory and the English occupied the remaining 1/5th. Cameroon was therefore divided into two parts: Eastern Cameroon controlled by the French and Western Cameroon controlled by the English. But on the 10th April 1948 in Douala, rose out an independence movement called Union of Population of Cameroon (UPC) to claim the independence of Cameroon from the hands of the French administration. In May 1955, a vast social movement of protestation breaks out, and the French administration react by attributing the fault to the UPC. In July 1955, the French administration prohibit the movement, and in December 1956, Pierre MESSMER who was a high commissioner of France in Cameroon decided to organise elections in Cameroon while prohibiting the UPC to present himself. The 12th May 1957, Andre Marie MBIDA was named prime minister, in February 1958, Hamadou AHIDJO was named prime minister by the French administration in the place of Andre Marie MBIDA who resigned. The 13th September 1958, UM NYOBE who was the leader of the independence movement was assassinated in the scrubland by the French Army in the Nyong and Ekele division. The 15th May 1960, Hamadou AHIDJO is elected as first president of Cameroon.

     The 1st October 1961, British Cameroon was divided into two parts; one part, northern Cameroon became attached to Nigeria, and the other part known as southern Cameroon represented today by the North West and South West regions became tied to independent Cameroon. After many years of dialogue between the two parts, president Hamadou AHIDJO of Northern Cameroon and southern Cameroon leaders came to the unification of Cameroon on the 20th May 1972. The country was then unified and divided into provinces. The date of the 20th May has henceforth become the commemoration of Cameroon national unity. The 04th November 1982, president Hamadou AHIDJO resigned from his post of president; two days later, his prime minister called Paul BIYA became the second president of the united republic of Cameroon, and on the 04th February 1984, he changes the appellation of united republic of Cameroon to the republic of Cameroon. When Northern Cameroon was becoming tied to Southern Cameroon, John NGU FONCHA was prime minister and the second personality in this country from the 1st October 1961 to the 13th May 1965. Next, Augustin NGOM JUA succeeded him as prime minister from the 13th May 1965 to the 11th January 1968. Then came TANDENG MUNA from the 11th January to the 2nd June 1972.

        Cameroon is made up of ten regions and 2 official languages of the colonial masters that are French and English. We are today the 26th March 2018, the day I am writing this message. I am touched by crises of peace of Cameroonians, called Anglophone crises in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon; crises that are still going on and that started since 2016. In truth, since November 2009 where I received the baptism to start the mission that God sent me to accomplish on earth, I understood that this generation has many problems, not because certain things must not happen for the accomplishment of writings of God, but because it lacks messengers of God. That is why Apostle Paul recognised that without the veritable messengers of God, there is no veritable preaching or teaching that can lead to the veritable belief for the production of the veritable deliverance as he says:  For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent?” (Romans 10/13-15).

        I am neither a politician nor someone of the party in power or the opposition party, but I am of the truth of Christ, sent in this world to proclaim this word of light and of fire on the entire world. The man does not corrupt me nor things that God created for me to use them, nor things that the hands of men have transformed or fabricated. After my baptism in November 2009, I understood that God gave Cameroonians great peace which is not manifested, but just spoken with the mouth. But how will Cameroonians manifest the peace of God without the truth? Because peace comes from the truth, and this truth is announced by the men of God. But when I look at the first missionaries in Cameroon, I see how they have masked this truth to implant statues with effigies of actors of movies who are Olivia Hussey and Robert Powell so that they should be taken and adored as Jesus and Mary. On the other side, the men of God of the said awakened churches are immersed in seduction, ignorance, complacency, the selling of the said spiritual products, swindling and forgery. Cameroonians were to understand that it is God who gave them more than 250 ethnic groups and more than 250 mother languages or dialects. They should understand that from the north to the south; from east to west, it is not French and English which are languages of colonial masters and recognised as Cameroon official languages that must build national unity. In truth, unity comes from the possession of the heart and spirit of God to have love, the living together, mutual respect, consideration... as treasure. The two official languages of Cameroon are foreign languages. Cameroonians did not take a language such as ejagham, balong, ngemba, gbaya, ewondo, douala, moundang, mabea, bassa... (language of the territory) to be their national language. The men of God are the ones who have baptised president Paul BIYA who is a former seminarian. But who could teach him that a king or head of state is like a mother who has her children and gives all she has for the success and wellbeing of these children? And this mother eats only after her children have eaten and become satiated. The head of State called Paul Biya and all members of government are not taught on the truth by those who were supposed to teach them this truth, but what is surprising is that these last (the men of God) contemplate them and take them for the gods. Therefore, from where will come veritable peace without the truth?  Before and after Paul BIYA was becoming president, they were to teach him that dialogue is the key or staff of power for the governance over the people and not dictatorship with the use of weapons.

       How can it happen that when president Paul Biya arrives in Douala, he declares: “here I am in Douala” as if Douala was not part of Cameroon or part of the territory which he govern? How does it happen that one quarter of the state budget is used for the personal guard or protection of the president as if he was not a Cameroonian? But it is because he has built his force and power not on dialogue with the people, but on exercises of intimidation... in order to control the country as he like. When president Paul Biya want to move out of his country (Cameroon), he is always escorted more than any other president in the world; before going out, he makes that they should block the principal road of the town for 4hours and soldiers of the presidential guard well armed often post themselves on buildings along the road. They did not teach president Paul Biya to despise the glory of man, they did not show him the glory which is above that of vanities; the veritable glory which he must like; he did not hear that you should not desire the power of the earth but rather the one which is supreme and eternal. He did not understand that while coming out of his mother’s womb to enter in this world, this short movie is a passage during which he will carry nothing in his flesh because this flesh is the shell of his soul, or his flesh is just the cloth of his body which is the soul. In truth, president Paul Biya must understand that the greatest richness and glory of man on earth is to vivify the soul which is his body and to cover its nakedness by becoming the temple or house of the glory of God.

         If power and the glory are taken for God, it is the human being and all the richness of the country that will be sacrificed in order to obtain and preserve this god. The first personality of the republic of Cameroon is Paul Biya, the second is the president of senate, Marcel NIAT NJIFENJI, the third is the president of the national assembly, CAVEYEGUE Djibril, the fourth is the president of the economic and social council, AYANG Luc, and it is in the fifth position that we find Philemon YANG, prime minister and head of government, this is just a little preview of the Anglophone problem without talking of other domains, and this situation makes a problem relative to the agreements of Foumban. In truth, French and English must be taught in an equitable manner in Cameroon and none of these languages must be marginalised because they are all inherited from the colonial masters. The entire Cameroon is immersed or engulfed into corruption because almost all the candidates in big entry examinations in Cameroon are admitted by corruption, and nominations, allocations... are not left behind.

        In the 426th message, I advised president Paul Biya to have courage to make a national conference; to provide airplanes to bring back Cameroonians abroad; to let out ministers and former directors that have been imprisoned for embezzlement of public funds; to call on members of the administration in function and those who are no longer in function, and tell them to bring back the money of the country that they have gathered, without forgetting himself. During this national conference, they will have to confess their bad actions to the people; admitting to the people that they have behaved themselves as strangers not only by signing a double nationality, but also by plundering the richness of Cameroon to go and keep it abroad for personal interest, and to ask the people to forgive them because they have stolen, plundered, destroyed... them. They have to take the engagement to become the real nationalists who will engage themselves for the rebuilding of this country like the countries that they have admired to become their second fatherland. They must henceforth engage themselves to fight so that the money, relations or interests of lobbies should no longer take ascension on justice, merit and competence; they should build the development of Cameroon on agriculture and livestock first; they should develop roads in rural areas, the provision of drinking water and electricity, and not the selling of all forestry resources, petrol, diamond, uranium... of the country. They also have to valorise the teaching and medical staff, avoid conferences that host the Rosicrucian order as it formerly took place in Douala; they should bring the people to choose their leaders, not on the bases of tribal preferences, certificates, money... but they should choose according to the heart that will worry for the wellbeing of the compatriots, and someone who will accomplish the vow of their heart just as God chose David to lead the people of Israel because of his heart that was to accomplish his will, that is why he was bearing witness saying: “...I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after my heart, who will do all my will” (Acts 13/22).

        In truth, what hurts me more is that when the people live this kind of crises of peace, it is not philosophers, political scientists, financiers, economists... who were to be the first to step up or be in front to talk for the solution to this problem, but rather the men of God by whom God speaks such as Joseph in Egypt in front Pharaoh. For these intellectuals who base themselves and who depend on their intelligence to find a solution say that they do not find an exit to this crisis through dialogue because Paul BIYA, the president of the republic not being anyone, he cannot discuss with robbers, bandits, thugs.... But I, as a messenger of God and carrier of the richness of peace, I recognise that the Lord Jesus left heaven to come on earth in a physical body to discuss with robbers, killers... in order to bring them back to the reason, how more of a man like Paul BIYA, considered as father and head of the nation! But unfortunately, he is used to free walks in the towns of Switzerland and not in those of Cameroon his country. Paul Biya would have gone all the time in the regions of Cameroon up to far corners to see, touch and trample the reality in order to feel the lack of many things that lead the population to the suffering such as the lack of routes, drinking water, electricity, health centres..., he will therefore see how agricultural products get rotten on the ground in rural areas due to the absence of roads to transport them to the markets in town.

        For quite some time, president Paul Biya is very tired, amortised, and frequently sick, the country is therefore ruled by the men of the palace of Etoudi who take decisions not to serve the people, and this is done under the cover of the president. President Paul Biya, there must be dialogue with the people who revolt in the South West and North West regions of Cameroon. You should not listen to these intellectuals with the knowledge of things of the earth who tell you that you should not have a dialogue and that you should not go in these two regions that are in crisis of peace! But you should rather listen to the voice of God by the men with the knowledge of the creator of everything. Look how soldiers and civilians are killed and also kidnapped, material destruction, the delay noticed in the primary, secondary and university teaching programs, the economy which is paralysed, some Cameroonians who find refuge in Nigeria...! Why can you not call a national dialogue, if you do not take care, you will mask yourself one day in this country by wearing a “kaba Ngondo” and a wig on the head to disguise yourself into a woman to come out of this country on a bike or canoe.

        I like to manifest the greatest love towards all the men which is to tell them the truth so that they should avoid the worst.


         CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)



It is the 501st message



     This world has never loved the truth, the obedience to the word of God, the submission to the commandments of the Lord... because it is under the domination of the lie, the disobedience, the rebellion, the revolt, the seduction... That is even why it is said: “We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one” (1John 5/19).

       Why do I say that it is the world that dominates and lead the church of today? It is because in the church of today, it is the letter, the seduction, the deception, the rebellion, the revolt, the glory of man and the love of money that dictate their law. One day, the Lord Jesus asked me to look at all those who attract the crowd and who are recognised and taken for the great men of God of the awakened church such as OYEDEPO, TB Joshua, OLANGI, KARAMBIRI... I saw and noticed that their wives are pastors, evangelists or teachers in the church. He had made me understand that they bring and leave their wives to teach so that his order should be violated, despised and hated; but is it a manifestation of love towards them? He also made me understand that these last cannot love their wives more than him the Lord; and that while doing this, it is not by love for their souls because they will knock against the door of the kingdom of heaven that will be closed to them because of their disobedience, their rebellion and revolt to his Word, but that it is rather by love of the flesh of these last because of a passing pleasure. That is why I have well understood the thought and feeling of the letter that kills (2Corinthians 3/6).

       It is by the feeling of the letter that people want their wives to also teach in the churches or assemblies of God; they thus despise the spirit that vivifies and violate the order of the word which is spirit and life (John 6/63). If people ask themselves why the woman should not teach in the church and assembly of God, or if they say that the woman must also teach as the man does, they do not say it with the feeling of the spirit that vivifies or the word of truth that saves, but they say it with the spirit of the letter that kills or the word that condemns. In truth, this rebellion, disobedience or revolt has permitted me to see at what degree those who are hypocrite do not fear God. When Apostle Paul says that this prohibition neither comes from him nor is his point of view, but that it is the order of the Lord, the people were to tremble, given that the Lord Jesus is the supreme head of the Church which is his body as Ephesians 1/22-23 says: “ And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all”.

       The Lord Jesus who is the saviour gives the order to the woman not to teach in his church where himself is the supreme head, the body and the head (Colossians 1/18; Colossians 1/24; Ephesians 1/22-23). Men and women who are rebellious and disobedient to the word of God and the creator of everything, but submitted and obedient to the word of man, it is said: “Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness.  I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet” (1Timothy 2/11-12). It is still said: “the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says.  If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church” (1Corinthians 14/34-35).

       The spirit of Satan was in Jezebel to bring her husband to lead the people astray; it is also this spirit that acts powerfully in the evangelist Joyce Meyer. And what you must know concerning this woman has not yet started; but the masks must fall in the name of the head, the body and the supreme head of the church.

       Many people hear talking of Jezebel without knowing who she was truly, and it is her spirit that continues to work and act today. Jezebel was the daughter of the king of the Sidonians, the people that God had forbidden the children of Israel from getting married to their daughters; but the king of Israel who was Ahab did not obey this order and got married to this Sidonian named Jezebel who was the daughter of the king. That is even why it is said: “And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the Lord, more than all who were before him.  And as if it had been a light thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, he took for his wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Sidonians, and went and served Baal and worshiped him” (1Kings 16/30-31). Jezebel had a very powerful spirit of rebellion, of seduction, of misleading and destruction. She was the wife of Ahab, king of Israel. She did not only bring her husband to commit crimes, but also the people. Ahab king of Israel became wicked in the eyes of the Eternal because of his wife Jezebel who incited him to despise, to revolt and to become rebellious against God; that is why it is said: “(There was none who sold himself to do what was evil in the sight of the Lord like Ahab, whom Jezebel his wife incited” (1Kings 21/25). Jezebel had a spirit that was leading many astray without these ones being aware of it; that is why it is said: “And the men of his city, the elders and the leaders who lived in his city, did as Jezebel had sent word to them. As it was written in the letters that she had sent to them” (1Kings 21/11).

     Jezebel had made people to commit many atrocities up to the point where God became angry against this woman and wanted her to die than to continue making many people to perish and to be killed; that is why it is said: “And of Jezebel the Lord also said, ‘The dogs shall eat Jezebel within the walls of Jezreel” (1Kings 21/23), therefore, Jezebel died and dogs ate her as God announced, up to the point where what remained was only her skull, and the feet and the palms of her hands. That is why 2Kings 9/34-37 says: “Then he went in and ate and drank. And he said, “See now to this cursed woman and bury her, for she is a king's daughter.”  But when they went to bury her, they found no more of her than the skull and the feet and the palms of her hands.  When they came back and told him, he said, “This is the word of the Lord, which he spoke by his servant Elijah the Tishbite: ‘In the territory of Jezreel the dogs shall eat the flesh of Jezebel,  and the corpse of Jezebel shall be as dung on the face of the field in the territory of Jezreel, so that no one can say, This is Jezebel”.

       The Lord recognising that this generation is leaded according to the prince of this world who is the prince of the power of the air who incites to rebellion, will not put the men apart and more the women who drag the multitude of people in the revolt an rebellion against his word which ordained and commanded, and does not permit the woman to teach in the church. He has warned us with wisdom in Revelation when he says: “I know your works, your love and faith and service and patient endurance, and that your latter works exceed the first.  But I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and is teaching and seducing my servants to practice sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols” (Revelation 2/19-20). People see the evangelist Joyce Meyer being cheered and having standing ovation by the blinds and deaf, the men like OYEDEPO, TB JOSHUA, OLANGI, KARAMBIRI...also asking their wives whom they have established pastors or evangelists to teach. Many women who see Joyce Meyer being cheered and having standing ovation... stand and will also stand to teach, without forgetting many other women who imitate her in the wearing of wigs that are coloured in green on the head, her eyelashes that are shaven and traced in green with a pencil, her lips that are paint in red... or wearing a jean trouser that wrap and tie hers buttocks... You will know who Joyce Meyer is, but the light enlightens progressively.

       Many ignorant people say that Joyce Meyer must teach in the church or assembly of God because she has the grace or the anointing of God. But you must understand that without the obedience to the order of God, there is no grace nor blessing nor God’s anointing. The fact that the woman must not teach in the church or assembly of God according to his order is not the meaning of a weak sex or discrimination or a contempt against women. We should be careful with our thoughts that want to give reason to themselves concerning the order of God.

       The world is the world and the church of God is the church of God. In the assembly of God, there must not be rivalry between the man and the woman because the man is the head of the woman, as God is the head of Christ and Christ the head of the man as it is said: “But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God” (1Corinthians 11/3). Rivalries between the man and the woman that the devil has generated in this world that he dominates or which is under his power should not reign in the church or assembly of God. Let those who have made their science and recognised as “cosmo-féminologues” understand that the child comes from man’s waist to be carried by the stomach of the woman; and Mary who was virgin before knowing Joseph, the Lord Jesus came in her womb by his will and choice, and this does not give Mary the access or right to enter in the kingdom of heaven, nor to be happy in her soul without believing to the word of God which says that the woman must not teach in the church or assembly of God. That is even why it is said: “As he said these things, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts at which you nursed!”  But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” (Luke 11/27-28).

       All these messages are not for sale, and there is no copyright to be paid to a man; but it is according to the will and grace of Jesus who wants that his truth should be known of all. I want all the people to understand that all the sharing and conversation in internet is the work of children who are with me. I have not yet started and I am free and happy to work without complex with everybody who wants that the truth and glory of the Lord Jesus should be praised and raised at the summit of all what is passing and vanity. All those who say that in Christ, as there is no longer neither man nor woman, it means that the woman should also teach in the church or assembly of God, they should understand that Christ is his word which recommends that the spirit which does not have sex according to their thoughts, is the spirit of Christ that comes from his word and which says that the woman must not teach in the church or assembly of God.

       The letter talks of the word which it does not know, meanwhile the spirit talks of what it knows because the word comes from it.

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)



It is the 149th message.


       The devil has a whole government and he has planned everything to dominate the soul and the flesh of the man. For, he is a very cunning master who plays the role of the actor and that of the thief leader in the same time. He bewitches and cures in the same time, he is darkness and in the same time, he disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11/14). As he is the devil, he can take another form; that of God in order to make believe (convince) to man that there is a difference between the spirit of darkness and the angel of darkness which is disguised as an angel of light. Meanwhile he is the one who takes these two forms. That is why every time that the man makes a choice, he always end by falling on him (the devil).

       The devil knows that the people want to run away from him in order to follow Jesus Christ. Therefore, in order to prevent them from doing this, he stands in front of them like someone who leads them in the kingdom of heaven (like the man of God). And when the people meet him, they say to themselves that they have found the pathway of the Lord Jesus Christ. From the moment they fall in his hands (those of the devil), this one will say to them: “You have arrived where you were going and for this reason, you can sing and dance for the victory”. This is verified from the moment that the man comes out of the old church according to him, to the new or awakened church (the pentecostal church). 

       It is like someone who believes to run away from a person who he has suspected to be a dead person in a night club by taking a taxi, but not knowing that the one driving this taxi is the dead person that he believes to run away. But it is on the way that he notices it because this one has disguised himself by showing him that he is still this dead that he is running away. It is thus the case of those who believe to be with Jesus Christ now and who after the death of their flesh, they will know that it was not Jesus Christ; but they will no longer have the possibility to return backward in order to take the good path.

       In other words, the devil plays a double game; he presents certain people that are considered like the devil and others who are considered to be the servants of God. Meanwhile, these last (servants of God) serve him more than the witches, the magicians, the charlatans. For, these “servants of God” keep well his richness which is man’s soul. They are the keepers (shepherds) that prevent the soul from coming out of his house (the house of the devil) for fear that it enters in another house which is that of the Lord Jesus Christ.

      When the devil wants to get many souls, he touches his left so that the witches, the magicians should provoke (raise) sicknesses, night meals or night intercourses so that the victims should go towards the “men of God” that he (the devil) has established. These ones then bless the bottles of water, salt, the handkerchiefs, and sell them with the promise that they will destroy these things. Also, when the people see that they cannot dominate because the witches, snakes, and the spirits of the dead march around their houses, they will go to “the man of God” so that he should give them the products that they will spray in their homes. Sometimes, they light the incense and for them, the odour that comes out of these products is taken to be the Holy Spirit. From the moment the demonic spirits no longer torment them because of these products, they will start to say: “Satan you have been defeated in the name of Jesus”.

       Moreover, when the man has problems, he goes towards “the man of God” who will make him a composition of products that he will put in the water to bath and this is called the bath of sanctification (the washing of the bad body). The other “men of God” always sell the handkerchiefs said blessed which the man will tie on his hand or which he will put in his pocket. Others again bless the crosses that the men will carry on the pretext that it is a protection. Again, when the man knows that things do not walk in his life, he goes towards “the man of God” who will say to him that it is this or that member of his family who is blocking him. For, you should understand that when the devil touches you through the witches, he heals you and protects you by these products said spiritual through “the men of God. For the devil destroys and pretends to arrange.

       Furthermore, you will find that certain “men of God” are found both on the left and right of the devil, in short, they are found on both sides; it means that this one is a “man of God” and in the same time a witch. They bewitch (possess) and in the same time, they pray on the people, and others even remove people’s stars. In addition, you will see a witch man or witch woman who lives in the body of a woman and this spirit more often prophesy, and other witch women are even prophetess.

       The devil has so much tormented this world up to the point where I feel pity for it (the world). Today, the man knows that the great man of God” is that one who will tell you all what is happening in your life or it is that one who can heal or cast out the evil spirits from the bodies. Faced to these things, the blinds and deaf will say to you: “only God can do such things”. You should understand that he who does not know the devil in the spirit will not know him in his manifestation; for he will always take his manifestations (those of the devil) to be those of God. In other words, it is to say that he who knows the chameleon by its colour and form does not know it. For the day it will change its colour, you will no longer recognise it. Today, we count on the tips of fingers the men of God who fight for the resurrection of the souls, for the word is easily preached, but the revelation is not easily revealed (Romans 10/13-15). The last days of the judgement reserve us great surprises; but to God only wisdom, intelligence and glory for the eternity.


CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)



It is the 502nd message



     I do not come to talk in the name of a continent, a skin colour, nation, town, tribe, language, but I come to talk in the name of the righteousness, justice, mercy, peace... of God which is ignored, rejected and despised by certain men who take themselves for big fishes and who intimidate and subjugate the others who are considered as small fishes.

     I do not come with the spirit of the creator to be influenced by the spirit of man, of the beast or the devil; I do not come with the knowledge of the creator of things in my heart attested by the Holy Spirit to be influenced by the knowledge of things attested by papers called certificates. I do not come with the richness, the word that created the ground and the underground to be influenced by the barren richness of the ground and the underground which is transformed or fabricated by the hands of man. I do not come from a nation or continent where my creator made me to be born in the flesh to envy another one where my creator did not make me to be born. I do not envy any other skin colour than the one that my creator has given me. I do not come with the authority of God which has domination over evil to be intimidated and influenced by the men who are at the summit of the governing of the flesh of other men not having authority to govern evil.

    The problem that we have in this present world is that the man does not run towards the Lord Jesus first to be invested and to build richness, a fortune, a treasure, God’s goods of truth in order to become eternally great and glorious. But the man run towards the material, what he transforms and fabricates with his own hands in order to draw greatness and glory from these vanities; and because of this, he eliminates, destroys and despises the others in order to come in possession of these things. The devil seeing that man’s heart pleases itself in these things to the detriment of the life, health, peace and joy of human beings or his fellowmen, he has thus make use of this to make him become his instrument.

    It is by freemasonry, the Rosicrucian order and Catholicism that the African Head of States are dominated, influenced, weakened and intimidated by these western belligerent puppeteers. These very great and dangerous lodges have permitted these puppeteers to bring the African head of States to be tyrannical, to take the richness of the people like a personal good, to govern and rule their people without the opinion of anybody. For this purpose, African countries are not governed by their people, but by an individual who is weakened, intimidated, influenced and manipulated, who takes the dignity and richness of his people in hostage to make it his personal good; that is why dictatorship reigns and has taken precedence over democracy.

     Politicians, exploiters, instigators of wars and coups d’état, sellers of weapons that these puppeteers are, before coming in Africa, they first sent spies clothed in cassocks and carrying a bible, who were not teaching writings of the bible, but rather customs and traditions of men accompanied with recitations; they were asking the Africans to throw their supernatural powers and forces, or were asking them to bring or give it to them. They were also asking lands, and fields have been given to them as you can notice today. When they were receiving the fields freely, in return, they were selling drops of water that they were pouring on the forehead of babies and little children for baptism just as it is still practiced today by many.

    These spies in cassocks had weakened and diverted the thought of these old Africans. These puppeteers came to exploit African richness and some people who were awakened and who were speaking in their disadvantage were chased and killed. These spies had instituted the confession to bring the people to come towards them to tell them their secrets, under pretext that they were talking to God, and these secrets were used to better destroy them. That is how they were deprived of all their richness in benefit of these puppeteers. So touching in truth!

    Having colonised Africa, and after independence, these last always wanted to keep this continent dependent of the metropolis; that is why they have brought the Rosicrucian order and freemasonry in which they have introduced the African head of States, by this way, keeping them under the domination of the system of student and master (teacher). According to the principles in these lodges, the masters must sodomise the students; that is where the great danger for Africa is felt. Majority of African leaders are the wives of these people who are their godfathers and masters.

    The African head of States who are introduced in these lodges drag their relatives inside; as such, almost all the high officials want to become Rosicrucian or freemason like their presidents, ministers...  for it is through this circle that we obtain favours of those who are highly placed, merit leaving the place to the sectarian’s feelings and favours. When an African head of State does not obey another western head of State, this last will go and complaint to the master of the lodge in which the African head of State is a member, and this master calls him to order by intimidating him. Or they will even call on the pope who will invite this recalcitrant African head of State in the Vatican to bring him into submission, given that the pope has a great power in these two lodges: The Rosicrucian and Freemasonry order.

    Today, if the post of an African head of State is not threatened, his children will be able to study in the biggest schools of the world, even if for that, they must privatise all the public companies, let the rate of unemployment to increase, favour the exploitation of the resources of the people by the westerners. Also, he will remain insensitive to problems such as the currency, hunger and thirst, the embezzlements, underdevelopment... Besides, for majority of the African head of States, their children have double nationality because they know that after their mandate, they and their family will go and live in another country were they have invested in advance.

    Therefore, in Africa, as long as the power is not found in the hands of the people but rather in those of an individual who is weakened, intimidated, influenced by the sectarian lodges of the westerners, and manipulated by these belligerent puppeteers, Africa will neither be able to become free nor sovereign nor to have their own currency or to witness a veritable development. The pope is in the freemasonry order as well as majority of his colleagues. That is even why there are many acts of pedophile in this milieu. In Italy for example, homosexuality is legalised and the mayor of Rome 1st celebrates the homosexual marriage every weekend and delivers marriage certificates to those who get married, he being the neighbour of the pope.

    In Cameroon, in the year 2009, the visit of pope Benedict XVI had cost more than 2billionns of CFA francs, but for what end? If not for the impoverishment of the flesh by useless expenses, and that of the soul through customs and traditions of men that are taught.

    The world is small, the International Criminal Court (ICC) or the human rights draw their law from the bible, but they do not respect these laws and rights; but many things will happen in this generation.

   I heard the Africans saying that the former Ivorian president called Laurent Bagbo could not rule Ivory Coast because he was a baker and not a certified in economy, finances... I want to make them understand that it is not through certificates that we become a good leader, but by a heart which is anxious for all the people of all social classes; he who has this heart serve the people, he eats and drinks after the people, his joy and peace come from the joy and peace of the people. I want to make them understand that Pharaoh gave all the governing of the entire Egypt to Joseph son of Jacob or Israel who was not in school to learn economy, finances... because he discovered that nobody else was intelligent and wise like him. That is why it is said: “And Pharaoh said to his servants, “Can we find a man like this, in whom is the Spirit of God?” Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has shown you all this, there is none so discerning and wise as you are.  You shall be over my house, and all my people shall order themselves as you command. Only as regards the throne will I be greater than you.” And Pharaoh said to Joseph, “See, I have set you over all the land of Egypt” (Genesis 41/38-41).

    To all the rulers of the world; in the flesh where I have less than 40years on this day of the 29th March 2017, you are my fathers and grand fathers, and not in the spirit. I want to bring back your souls that you have sold to the devil for vanities that finish their race in the dust bin, toilet... I do not retain myself from telling you the truth for fear that my flesh should be destroyed by the sword, the weapon, bomb; because sooner or later it must return in the ground where it was taken, but I am afraid of not loving you by not telling you the truth, for if the bad rich in the parable of Jesus had received it, he would not be asking a drop of water while suffering in the lake of eternal fire.


       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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