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It is the 465th message

     In truth, it is so sad and touching to see how the devil has rendered the people too miserable and misfortunate; because his fight against man is to make him believe that his flesh and earthly things are more important than his soul, that he is nothing if he does not possess them, or he is insignificant if he is not considered by his relatives. The devil makes believe to families that the day somebody dies, if his lump of soil is not clothed with dresses of big price and put in a coffin of big price, if food and wine are not in big quantity, therefore, his bereavement is a small and poor bereavement.

       In truth, the fight of the devil against God on earth was first to kill the soul in the Garden of Eden; and today, no matter the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus, this fight consist in maintaining the souls in the death or evil. God took the dust of the ground and formed man’s physical body; next, he breathed the spiritual body in the nostrils of this lump of soil to give it breathing and movement; that is why it is said: “ then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature” (Genesis 2/7).

       When God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, he commanded them to obey him in order to stay in the life; and that the disobedience will make them leave the life for the death; that is why it is said: “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden,  but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die” (Genesis 2/16-17). When the devil came towards Eve and Adam by bringing them to disobey God or to abandon life, it was not to kill their flesh or to take it, but it was to kill their souls. After Eve ate the death, she gave it to Adam who also ate it; the two of them thus became death spiritually (Genesis 3/1-6). Therefore, Adam and Eve being spiritually dead, all those who are born of man’s blood are born spiritually dead. All the men are therefore struck and engulfed by the spiritual death. To deliver, to liberate and save the souls from the disobedience, the sin and the spiritual death, God sent Jesus since heaven who came in a physical body by the stomach of a woman called Mary. Jesus, the Son of God came down carrying the word of Spirit and of Life which the men must listen and obey to abandon the disobedience, the sin, darkness and the death. That is why when John the Baptist saw the one that carried the word aimed to take off the sin in the man who receives, practice and live it (the Lord Jesus), he said: “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! (John 1/29).

       The devil on his side, for fear to lose the souls, not willing that the sin that he had injected to the souls since the Garden of Eden by his cunning should be taken off, he started to seek solutions to knock down the carrier of the word of life, of light, of deliverance and liberation of souls that are held captive. For this reason, he first used Herod to kill Jesus still baby in Bethlehem; that is why it is said: “Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the wise men” (Matthew 2/16). But the Lord in his greatness ordained Joseph in a dream the day before, to take the child and to flee with him in Egypt before Herod was coming to make his criminal killing on children, thinking that Jesus is with them (Matthew 2/13-14).The devil had thus missed his shot. After the baptism of Jesus at the age of 30years, he started his mission of deliverance of souls from the hands of Satan; being determined in his fight, by his great mercy, he wants that the souls that have been killed by the devil since the Garden of Eden should not be lost forever, but should come back to life. During another attempt to counteract or reverse the mission of the Lord Jesus, the devil attacked him by his cunning, proposing him all the richness and glory of the world as well as its kingdoms against bowing down in front of him and adoring him (Luke 4/6-8). Even in this way, it was still a failure of the devil and a victory of Jesus Christ.

       The Lord Jesus has cancelled the orders that were condemning us and has abolished death that was rendering us captive. But let the people not be deceived and fall in the seduction of the devil who make them believe that as Jesus has shed his blood and died on the cross for all the souls, it means that they are saved in their customs, life and tradition of man. That is why the Lord Jesus while abolishing death, brought life and immortality to light by his Gospel as it is said: “and which now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2 Timothy 1/10). The teaching and gospel of man have filled this generation, and it cannot give life and immortality no matter the high level of practice of those who listen to it because this word is of man and cannot bring him to become God. But only the word of God which is God brings the man to become God. Evil has filled the world today because of the gospel of man; another gospel which is taken for the word of God (the only gospel of Christ). The Lord Jesus has abolished the orders that were condemning us since the Garden of Eden; but if we do not live his life, we are condemned. Meanwhile in his life, there is no condemnation; that is even why it is said: “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8/1). Therefore, the fight of Satan that remains today is to make the man to ignore the gospel, the word, the force, the life and power of Christ given for his deliverance and liberation from the links of death.

       The devil in his double game of the cunning gives power, force, the gospel... to the man, making him believe that it is of Christ, his big joker being to bring the man to forget, to neglect, to simplify, to despise and objectify his soul or to sell it because of vanities that make the glory and pleasure to his flesh. He brings the man to believe that his flesh is him and his soul belongs to another one; and since the man love himself more than another person, that is why his flesh is loved and his soul forgotten, hated and despised. He had made the man to understand that his soul is the cloth and his flesh the body; that his soul is the carapace, the shell, the envelope, and his flesh is the product and the content. That is why from the parent to children who came poor and dead spiritually on earth, what gain their hearts, thoughts, feelings is to quickly have the knowledge of earthly things, certificates, a job, getting married, having children, plots, houses and to prepare the retirement or old age, because for them, it is to succeed his future. In truth, this state of ignorance and blindness is too touching and shocking. If God asks someone who is dead in the flesh or physic lying to make a vow, this dead or lump of soil lying will not ask him dresses of big price, nor a coffin, but he will ask him the coming back to life, so that the bosom of the earth should not swallow him. But, in the contrary, if God ask someone who is spiritually dead even though living in the physic to make a vow, you will listen to the recitation of the kind: “I need money, vehicles, plots, houses, a job, travelling and many years and good health on earth...”. This spiritual dead ignore that in his state of dead, he is reserved for the lake of eternal fire. Meanwhile he who does not live Jesus in his soul is dead, even though living in his lump of soil, that is why it is said: “but she who is self-indulgent is dead even while she lives” (1Timothy 5/6).

       Today, you will see somebody who is sick like the comedian Marie Louise of the television show “MA FAMILLE” who was asking people to help her because she no longer had financial means for her hospital bills, but those who could help her remained without doing anything. That is how this last died in atrocious suffering by lack of financial means. Once in the mortuary, hundreds of people came in the rendezvous, collecting money to buy much food, making themselves to be seen in big financial contributions. Meanwhile if there was just little money, the disease would have not taken her away. They sometimes go up to keep this lump of soil in the mortuary for weeks or months, buy clothes or a coffin of big price, fat pigs, even cows and goats, cartons of fish, of chicken, bags of rice, cartons of red wine, bananas, plantain... And the burial day of this lump of soil, there is a big feast which is organised where every participant brings his contribution. After burying this lump of soil, the party of the consumption of food and drinks opens up. If this lump of soil was old, it is a moment of dance and rejoicing where the family counts the number of children, daughter-in-law, grandsons, great grandsons of the person who is dead, saying that he has work a lot. Sometimes, people get into depts to make this big feast. Others often face great difficulties to pay back what they had borrowed, thus becoming dishonest because of customs and traditions that have been imposed by the devil.

       If in a family, they bury a lump of soil the same day that the soul left it, or the next day without any ceremony, nor food and drinks, people will say that this burial was done like that of a dog; but they should understand that the Lord Jesus, John the Baptist... were buried the same day they died without ceremony nor feast. Today in Africa, the bereavement has become a feast and an occasion for the collection of funds or other material for the family of the person who is dead. That is why certain people today spend their time to swindle their numerous relatives, telling them that they have mourning, meanwhile it is a lie, all this because mourning has become a source of revenue or any other help. The devil brings the people to show the greatness in the material during mourning where families compete among each other; people have as challenge to make a big feast which its importance should be above the one that was done somewhere or next door. And for this, a budget of millions of francs must be voted, and very high amounts of money will be asked to different family members of the person who is dead, to children and others, thus bringing those who do not have money to go and borrow in order to give their own.

    That is why in Africa, when you hear people saying that it is a small bereavement, it does not mean that it is a baby who is lying, but rather that the magnitude of the festivities will not be great, because the family of the deceased person does not have enough financial means to flood people with food and drinks during snack (collation), that is after the burial. If by misfortune one of your relatives lose someone in his family and that you do not assist him, it becomes a serious problem, meanwhile they themselves being spiritually dead, it is a misfortune for the Lord or for those in whom the Lord dwells. But who will also assist them so that their dead soul should be cried and brought back to life? Therefore, to everyone his bereavement, everyone should take his bereavement seriously. The living ones or the spiritual men should cry to bring back the dead soul to the life of Christ, and the fleshly men or those who are dead in the soul should cry the lump of soil by eating and drinking in their big feast. One day, after the father of one of the disciples of Jesus died, he asked the permission to go and bury the lump of soil of his father, but the Lord refused telling him to devote his time for those who are dead in the soul and who can still come back to life than the lump of soil (Matthew 8/21-22).

       In truth, the flesh is the dust and it consume, touches, wear, possess and gather the dust; and all this dust will be found in only one place as it is said: “All go to one place. All are from the dust, and to dust all return” (Ecclesiastes 3/20).

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)






It is the 438thmessage


     In truth, seeing the degree of eternal poverty, misery, nakedness and lowness of the stars makes to cry and moan a lot. They make too pity because of their lack of sight and hearing that bring them to sell their souls to the devil against the celebrity and consideration in front of the men as well as the material.

       In truth, seeing these stars, tears fill the heart because in them, we find the flesh which only has a short life span and having all meanwhile their souls that are eternal possess nothing of the kingdom of heaven. They are like the bad rich in the parable of the Lord Jesus who preferred to be rich in the flesh for few days and to stay spiritually poor for the eternity. All what gain the hearts of theses stars is to see that they are appreciated by the public and that their flesh has what to eat, to put on and to store in great quantity.

       The power of the beast that have these stars, have brought people to take their names as their nicknames, and they are ready to accept lying down so that these stars should walk on them. In truth, the men of this world starting by majority of the head of States, stars… impoverish themselves, become miserable in their souls just because they take very tortuous routes in front of God so that their flesh should become rich and glorified. These stars sell their souls to the devil for passing things, but veritably, they have nothing and are nothing in the soul for the eternity.

       Today, many blinds and deaf want the place of these sellers of souls without veritably seeing the fate or salary which is reserved to them for the eternity. How can you see a corpse dressed in expensive clothes and you envy it, meanwhile you are alive no matter the fact that you wear clothes of less value? We do not envy the place of what the carapace or the flesh touches, consume, put on and store, but we envy the place or the soul that consume, put on and possess things of the kingdom of heaven. You who are spiritually alive, less valuable dresses that you wear do not disqualify you for a living one, meanwhile he who is spiritually dead is automatically disqualified for a living one no matter the dresses of great value that he wear. All those who have signed pacts with the devil are spiritually dead though living physically.

       In truth, it is time for us to be freed from blindness in order to see that life does not have price; and if we are spiritually alive, no matter what our flesh put on, consume or touch which is less valuable or not, we are great in front of those who are spiritually dead even if they touch, consume, put on and possess all what is valuable in their flesh which is still alive for few days.

       These stars who sell their souls to the devil because of passing power, celebrity, greatness, richness and force are nothing in front of you who have renounced to the will of the devil, which means to the eternal poverty, misery, lowness and death, to receive the life of the Lord Jesus to make of it your eternal richness, greatness, glory and life. In truth, the people who run behind the devil to have his favours and who sell their souls to him only do it to seem great and rich in vain things for the end times and to be respected and appreciated by their fellow men.

       We know that we have to do with the devil, that is why we seek the consideration in front of God so that the devil should not despise us. But if we seek the consideration in front of the man, we should know that this last cannot valorise us to be above the devil.

       To be head of State, minister, diplomat, star, great business man… is nothing at first, but to be alive in front of the Lord Jesus is all. Look at the majority of these head of States, stars… with the glory, celebrity, power and richness that they have, they did not receive the Lord Jesus for the saviour of their souls from the eternal death, because they are friends to the glory, greatness and richness of the earth and enemies of the glory, greatness and richness of the kingdom of heaven.

       In truth, all these stars and other men of this generation should now know their state of spiritual death in order to no longer seduce themselves. In truth, the men of this generation are too blind to make their flesh to possess everything of the earth and to make their souls to lack everything of the kingdom of heaven; since these last themselves sell their own souls to the devil by ignorance of the veritable value (man’s soul), they do not delay to sell or sacrifice the human being against papers called money or another thing that their hands have fabricated. If we could see what these last do in secret, and that we meet them on the way, we would have run away and even spiting on the ground due to nausea because they do very dirty things and unbearable at the sight. The world is rotten, but only those who will be wise to become tied and be maintained in what is eternal will inherit the kingdom of heaven.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)



It is the 417th message


    God has made of Cameroon a country of miracle and of 234 ethnic groups, destined to become a base of hospitality, of peace and deliverance in Africa and in the whole world, where will come out the people who will liberate Africa from neo-colonialism and imperialism; the servants of God who will lift up the light of the Lord so that this generation of the end times should be more enlightened in order to be delivered from evil, the abomination, defiles, corruption, magic, murders…Whether the people believe it or not, accept it or not, want it or not, history will record it before the end of everything on earth. But for the destiny of Cameroon to be accomplished, he must be delivered, and it is this deliverance that will lead him to the prosperity.

    Cameroon was first colonised by the Germans, and after the First World War and the departure of the Germans, Cameroon was divided into two parts like the loot of war, shared between the French people and the British. The French people occupied 4/5th of the territory, and the British occupied the 1/5th left. We had Eastern Cameroon or French Cameroon, and Western Cameroon or British Cameroon. On the 10th April 1948 in Douala, the biggest social independence movement of Cameroon was created (UPC).


    In May 1955, a vast social movement of protestation breaks out, and the French administration react in attributing the responsibilities to the UPC. In July 1955, the French administration prohibits this movement, and in December 1956, Pierre MESSMER who was the High Commissioner of France in Cameroon decided to organise elections while prohibiting the UPC to present itself. The suppression of the independence movement was pushing the UPC militants to go back in clandestinity called “maquis”, and in 1957, the French put soldiers in place to fight against the maquisards. They were thus practicing targeted assassinations against the leaders of the rebellion as well as torture, thanks to their unit of information, especially in the NYONG EKELLE division, and the Sanaga Maritime division, and in the Western region of Cameroon. People were then killed like flies.

    In February 1958, AhmadouAhidjo is named prime minister by the French Administration. He replaces in this place André Marie MBIDA who had resigned. On the 13th September 1958, UM NYOBE was assassinated in the NYONG EKELLE division by the French army, therefore pushing some leaders of the UPC to flee abroad. The 1st January 1960, independence is given to Cameroon. The 15th May 1960, AhmadouAhidjo is appointed first president of the Republic of Cameroon. The 1st October 1961, British Cameroon was divided into two; one part was joined to Nigeria and the other one to Western Cameroon. That is why among the ten regions that Cameroon has, two are Anglophone.

    President Ahidjo had governed from the 05th May 1960 to the 04th November 1982, and thus did 24 years, 08 months and 17 days in power. In his government, Charles ASSALE was prime minister; next, Vincent de Paul AHANDA, then Simon Pierre TCHOUNGUI and finally Paul Biya who became president on the 06th November 1982 after the resign of Ahidjo on the 04th November of the same year. He then became second president of the Republic of Cameroon. From the 06th November 1982 up to the 11th April 2016 when I write this message, he has already done 33 years, 06 months and 06 days in power. Since his ascension in power, he already had as prime minister: BELLO BOUBA, LUC AYANG, SADOU AYATOU, Simon ACHIDI ACHU, MAFANI MUSSONGUE, Ephraim INONI, Philemon YANG who is the present prime minister in function.

    The 06th April 1984, there was a missed coup d’état of the partisans of Ahidjo. The 30th November 1989, the former president Ahidjo died in exile in Senegal at the age of 65 years. In April 1991, there was mob violence in Douala (Dead cities). In December 1993, Bakassi was invaded by Nigerian troops, giving rise to a confrontation that last for years. In February 2008, there was mob violence almost everywhere in Cameroon, and recently in the Far North, a terrorist group called Boko Haram started creating terror by kidnappings, suicide attacks, and blitzkriegs. We are in 2016, and people call President Paul Biya to still present himself to the presidential elections in 2018 for another mandate. Certain sources even announce that the elections will be anticipated.

    All what I want for this country is the accomplishment of his destiny, I am neither a partisan of power nor of the opposition, but I am rather a partisan of the restoration of his destiny. I exhort the Cameroonian president who is Paul Biya to lead this country towards his restoration; for he is 83 years old in 2016 that we are. It is not simply question to resign, but to bring this country into his initial destiny, and this will be astonishing and a great teaching in the whole world.

    Firstly, the president must have courage of a lion and to remove the shame on him like a cloth soaked of oil spots. He must call all the Cameroonians; those who are here as well as those abroad, he should liberate all those who are detained in prison for the embezzlement of public funds, he must bring in the remains of late president Ahidjo, and once all these men will be gathered, he should admit to all the Cameroonian people that he and all his collaborators in function and those who are in retirement, even those who will be brought out of prison, have embezzled the money of the people, and that they will give back this richness. His collaborators and himshould ask the people to forgive them to have deceived, sold, stolen, plundered and destroyed them.

     They should tell the people how they were taking the country’s money to go and keep abroad, and to invest there, all his government and him should tell the people that what they have done can happen to any person, that everybody can commit a fault, either in front of God or in front of a man, and when this last comes back towards the person that he has outraged and that he ask for forgiveness, he is forgiven; that is why they all ask the people to forgive them. The people should also forgive his government and him for the outrages, mockeries and the deception of which they are victims; he should alsoforgive his collaborators who were prisoners, and these ones should also forgive President Paul Biya.

    All the richness that have been embezzled should be brought back in the country in order to be invested in one way or another; the creation of roads, schools, the management of other educative structures, health centres, urban and rural supply of electricity, the creation and managing of water points… to assure the wellbeing of everybody. All those who are present should forgive each other; each one should put down the load of hatred, of rancour and of calumny… Each one should put down all what he carried against his Cameroonian brother and vice versa; for this day, all the hearts, thoughts, feelings will be washed and the State will be renewed. Cameroon and the Cameroonians will become new, and this day will be a day of joy and feast than ever. As such, elections will be organised, the 3rd president of the Republic of Cameroon will be appointed, and the former president could advice the new one in case he will need him.

    The Cameroonians will therefore be in the culture of the spirit of patriotism, of humanism and justice of God, and they will no longer steal the people’s money to go and keep or invest abroad for personal ends. If President Paul Biya accomplishes all this, he will be the most generous man, a model, an example in the whole world; never seen and never heard before. He will remain in retirement in his country, he will not seek to go in exile like the former president; late Ahidjo. He will be more loved and considered by his people than when he was president, and will be free to spend weekends abroad, to go in his native village at Mvokmeka to drink his palm wine, to play songo’o with his friends. His wife, his children and he himself will not be disturbed. In this new Cameroon, the vow and wish of all the fellow countrymen will be to see everybody succeeding no matter his country.

    The new president must be simple and should come near the people like Jesus Christ when he was fleshly on earth. He must dig up corruption up to the roots, ritual crimes, and must put an end to tribalism, racism, to homes or boulevards of prostitution in big towns, to lucky games no matter the amount of money that these companies pay to the State as taxes. The president will have to make understand all the people that the seeking of integrity and dignity must be the preoccupation of everyone. Because of these lucky games, certain Cameroonians have become lazy and thugs. During a press conference in Cameroon, a journalist asked my opinion on the appeal of Cardinal Christian TUMI to the president of the Republic to no longer be a candidate; I answered to this journalist that Cardinal TUMI is not eligible to tell the president to no longer put his candidature, because he Cardinal TUMI has rent a parcel of land belonging to the archdiocese of Douala to the PMUC that give an annual amount of 38 million for a term of 60years.

     I said to this journalist that the douala ancestors gave this land to this missionary free of charge, but they had received the baptism of their children at the price of money. The new president of Cameroon will have to create roads and to arrange those that existed before, he should watch over the good paying of the medical and educative personnel, he should facilitate access to schooling and school equipment, he should lower the cost of hospitalisation and medical care or to make it become free, he should lower the price of foodstuffs…He must be sovereign, he must listen to his people and God only, and not advices coming abroad. He should not be an overseas minister. Why is it that in Cameroon, the leaders of the fight for the independence like UM NYOBE neither have monuments nor avenues, but you will find a monument Charles de Gaulle in the middle of the town of Bonanjo, opposite the Central Post as well as anavenue in Bonapriso?

     Cameroon has something that is still hidden, that is why all what he makes have success in all the domains. You hear about many Cameroonians abroad in different domains like sports, music… that is why there is a slogan which says: “impossible is not Cameroonian”. The entire world must draw many lessons through this country, because it is the base of peace, of hospitality and of deliverance. If President Paul Biya want to succeed, he must neither look or listen to any foreigner, nor another Cameroonian for fear to be intimidated or influenced, but he must look God only; he who has endowed his country of 234 ethnic groups, it is this miraculous God that he must veritably call on for the people to accomplish their destiny. He should be above the post of president of the Republic, above power, and triumph over shame. He should understand that the fleshly life is nothing; he should understand that since he is president of the Republic all what he has eaten,today, is only shit and has returned in the ground, the vehicle in which he move is scrap and foil, the money that he has is only papers, all that is only vanity; even the cheering of men’s hands. But to make and become a man who is cheered even by the angels of God in heaven is better.

    This message is only love manifested by me to a man, to a chief and a people. It is better to love people like Jesus; to tell them the truth and prefer to be assassinated because of this truth, than to see people who are getting lost and going astray, and to close my mouth to still wait and expect what from God?But to Jesus Christ love, courage to suffer and die for the man in order to save his soul from the eternal death.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)



It is the 419th message


    Many people treat me for a mad man, a politician, some one who makes the advertisement of the devil through the images that I publish. But if it pleases God, sooner or later, they will understand.

    All what I put in image have for aim to bring the veritable children of God not to sleep, to doze; they should not be gained by vain things by wasting time for useless things, but they should be in the fullness of the fighting spirit so that by the grace of God, they should contribute in the deliverance of souls, while recognising that it is the only thing for which the Lord has called them, they should not take this world for a world of good, of luxury and value that make them become rich and glorious.

    With these images, we lose sleep, appetite and the taste of everything on earth so that being greatly touched and shocked by what we see, we should dive in sadness and cries that will bring us to sacrifice ourselves in all and for all, in order to be delivered from this situation which is a load for us. In truth, when people just hear that men of the same sex have sexual intercourses, it becomes shocking. When we hear in addition to this that people sex with animals, eat faeces, are urinated in the mouth, commit ritual crimes, kill, behead and eat their fellow men, it is an abomination that put us into a total dismay. If these images do not call us to wake up, if they do not bring us to sacrifice our body and material, it means that we are not called or we are not answering to the call. These images make us to see how this present world of the end times is in a great abomination, defile and advanced criminality.

    In truth, we have to know and see what happens in this world. What heart and what spirit can somebody have to hold his fellow man, to kill him, to behead him and to eat him? Is this person seeing an animal in the place of his fellow man? What pleasure does he have when he eats the parts of the body of his fellow man? In truth, this cannibal is very dangerous. The men sometimes transform this human flesh into sausage or ham for sale.

    In truth, this world is not only rotten, but it is also empoisoned. What the devil make some people to eat, these last also want to make the others to eat it, the thing in which the devil transformsthem; they also want to transform their fellow men into it.

    In truth, it makes too pity and makes to shed tears when you see how a human being kill his fellow man, behead him, cut him into pieces, cook him and eat. These cannibals also eat foetuses. The work of the devil since the Garden of Eden is to bring the man to do the contrary of what God ask him to do. In the Garden of Eden, God gave the order to the man not to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but the devil came towards the man and brought him to eat it. God said to the man that he will leave his father and mother and will become attached to a woman to become one with her, but the devil brought the man to leave his parents to become attached to another man of the same sex like him to form a couple. The head of States who were to be the authorities of God have justified this abomination by giving the order to officialise an unnatural law. God made that people of different sex should have sexual intercourses; but the devil brought the man and woman to sex with animals.

    God gave the vegetation and animals to the man for food, but the devil brought the man to eat his faeces. God created the human being over everything on earth, but the devil brought him to kill his fellow man, to extract parts of his body to sell or to sacrifice him in order to gain things that have less value than the human being. God created animals, birds of the sky and fishes for them to be killed by the man and to be eaten for food, but the devil brought him to kill his fellow man and to eat him for food.

    In truth, it is terrible and shocking to see how the devil is treating this world. How can somebody cut his fellow man into pieces, cook him and enjoy him like a nice meal! These cannibals do not only eat this human flesh, but they also transform it into ham and sausage to bring the others to consume this poison, this satanic food. In big towns you find certain restaurants where they sell the human flesh and certain corners where, when you stroll anyhow, notably during late hours, you become a lost chicken that has been found in the house of the fox. When the servants of the devil kill a human being, they first extract the human blood that they will drink or sell at high prices. There are certain people who, when they see their fellow man, they start to admire the nice flesh to be eaten. The human flesh is sold in certain restaurants at high prices.

    This world is terrible; the world in which people transform themselves in spirit in witchcraft and eat the human being, others catch them physically, kill and eat them. When I see people enjoying this world, it dives me more into sadness and lamentations. In this world, they eat the human being, his faeces, his flesh, they drink his blood, they extract parts of his body to sell, they sacrifice him to the spirits… When these people see their fellow man, they take him for a game which is not far to be transformed into a dish of food. When the Lord sees what is happening in this present world, his wrath increases and is reserved to those who are attached to the will of the devil. What a world where people have more the desire to eat their fellow men than the animal, the men have more the feeling to sex with animals, and find better to get married to people of the same sex!

    In truth, 99% of the material prosperity in this present world is obtained through ways of the devil. It is much more through the ways of the devil that the people are at the summit of the glory, of celebrity and of richness. We are living the end times; the glory and richness of this world must not attract us, and the satanic works will be known and seen by all.

    Many people have a weak spirit and doubt when they hear that women sex with women, men with men, that human beings sex with animals, eat faeces, are being defecated and  urinated in the mouth, kill their fellow men to make ritual crimes; or that the others eat their flesh and drink their blood. But when they see the images, it chases away the doubt and strengthen their belief which might bring them to fear this world, to no longer take it for a wonderland, in order to rather bring them to prepare their eternal future, that of their family and of every man.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)




It is the 415th message


Sent by God for few days in this generation of the end times which is more wicked, abominable, defiled and corrupted than ever for a mission, I will soon go back according to the will of God and not that of man.

       It is time for the whole world to see how the devil torture and torment the people who despise the will of God. These last who are the most admired, envied and sought in this world, practice unnatural sexual intercourses; the men sex with men, women with women. They also sex with animals, suck anuses, urinate in people’s mouths and eat human’s faeces. When I was small, it was unbelievable for me; but now that I am big, I see, and it seems as if the sky has fallen on my head. It is terrible to see how the devil despises, terrorises and crush the people by his will!

       In truth, in this world, the people that the men admire, envy and seek, or nations where the devil sleeps, are like the churches of today that attract the crowd by the lie, the seduction, the deception and magic; people gather there in thousands for miracles or for the presence of the representative of Apostle Peter.

       In truth, the men who are the most admired, envied and sought in this world eat faeces and are less than pigs; because the pigs being omnivorous animals, they can find that men’s faeces are agreeable to eat; but the pig neither eat his own faeces nor those of another animal. Meanwhile the most admired, sought and envied men of this world eat their own faeces, what is unbelievable in the eyes of God and the men of integrity to God. The pig abstain from eating his own faeces no matter the famine; and the man who was created in the image of God, being the most admired, envied and sought in this world, having obtained all the diplomas in big universities of the planet earth, having much money, living in wonderlands according to the blinds and deaf, eat his own faeces! How can somebody open his mouth and transform it into a bidet for another one to come and sit on it to send out his faeces? The pig would be less dirty than this last!

       In truth, these hypocrites often deceive the blinds up to the point where, when these last see somebody placing the palm of his hand on their wall or vehicle and that it leaves a mark on it, they unleash themselves upon this person, treating him to be dirty, meanwhile it is only comedy. How do people who sex with men of the same sex or with animals, who suck the sex of dogs, of horses that ejaculate in their mouths, who suck anuses, whom they urinate in the mouth,  who eat faeces, pretend to say that they do not like dirtiness? They are less than what the pig is. It is only a deception and comedy.

       It is time for the blinds to open the eyes in order to see that cheap rubbish is not gold. The pig eats everything, except his own faeces; and these people do not eat everything, but they eat their own faeces. It is terrible in these countries of dream! In truth, it is a veritable tsunami of abomination, of defiles, of wickedness, of spiritual madness… in these places where most people dream to enter. What is surprising is that; when you want to enter in these territories, they will ask you the vaccination booklet, it seems as if it is where you are leaving that we find sources of diseases; meanwhile it is where you want to enter that is cultivated the tree nursery of diseases, where the sex of man penetrates the anus of other men, of dogs and horses leaving the seminal liquid inside, where dogs and horses penetrate the anus of men and the sex of women pouring their dirt inside, where the mouths of these people suck the sex of dogs and horses that liberate their liquid in their mouths. There, people suck anuses of each other, urinate in the mouth of each other and eat faeces of other men. There is no other dirtiness above this one and no other source of disease than this one.

       These offspring of Satan give horrible conditions to people who need their money. Since they have it, they demand the men to sex with animals, to transform their mouths into bidet where they will urinate and defecate. How can somebody put a dish of faeces in front of him on a table and start enjoying the meal? These end times are too difficult; the devil want to plunder and crush everybody. This dirtiness must be published and seen in the eyes of everybody. It is neither to be rude nor to be against the will of God  in publishing these images; but the devil does not like when these images are published;images that demonstrate how he is destroying the souls, because he knows that when they are published, many people will be ashamed and will no longer continue this adventure. Looking at the situation of the men held captive by the devil, the veritable children of God will stand more than ever to pray and bring the teachings that will bring these last to the deliverance thanks to these images that they see, touch, and that bring them to no longer sleep. Therefore, publishing these images does not make glory to the devil who will lose the souls of those who will repent, but it rather makes the glory of God who will see people coming to him in his will. No work of Satan, especially in these end times should be masked, veiled or hidden in the eyes of everybody who must know the deepness of defiles, of the abomination, of magic and of wickedness in which the devil is leading those whom he has made prisoners. For I am the one who is dead inthe spirit of the flesh; therefore, dyeing physically or leaving this dust bin which is nothing else than this world is not something sad for me. I am neither afraid of the devil nor his angels and demons nor any man on earth no matter his social class and skin colour, but I am afraid of God only.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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